USAWOA | The Quiet Professionals

Presidents Corner

CW5 Michael D. Dye

National President
Michael D. Dye, CW5, USA

July 15, 2024

Dear USAWOA Members:

This past week, US Army Warrant Officers around the world celebrated our 106th birthday. Across numerous social media platforms, we saw many of our USAWOA Chapters and members participating in fun runs, cake cuttings, and ceremonies all honoring the Warrant Officer Cohort. On behalf of our Executive Director Cara Rinkoff, if you and/or your chapter participated in these events, please capture this information in your monthly minutes sent to HQ.  Also, please send any photos to, along with a byline and names of individuals in the photos and she can then print these in an upcoming Newsliner.

With all of us being familiar with how the Army Warrant Officer came into existence back on 9 July 1918, I won’t provide a history lesson in this month’s letter.  I will, however, point everyone to information where our proud and rich history is featured. 

First, is the USAWOA Historical Foundation (WOHF) an IRS recognized 501c(3), non-profit charitable foundation Originally established as the Warrant Officers Heritage Foundation, it is an entirely separate entity from USAWOA with the mission of “Preserving and educating our fellow military and general public about the long and rich history of the Army Warrant Officer Corps.” A significant accomplishment for WOHF occurred in 2018, the 100th Anniversary of the Warrant Officer, when their efforts to have a Warrant Officer monument installed at Fort Novosel, Alabama was finally realized. Additionally, WOHF, led by its current director, CW5 (Ret) Al Curving, developed historical Warrant Officer storyboards that can be downloaded from their website and shared. I encourage everyone to visit their website and if you are interested in sending a tax-free donation to WOHF, this can be done by using the link

WOHF is also accepting applications for the FY 2025 WOHF Non-resident Fellowship. This will be the fourth year the WOHF has offered a fellowship, and the eligibility criteria have broadened. The FY 2025 Fellow will help the WOHF creatively tell the continuing story of the U.S. Army Warrant Officer Cohort, while helping the Foundation accomplish its mission to preserve and educate. All CW3-CW5s from any branch and all COMPOS who possess a bachelor’s degree are eligible to apply.  Those interested should submit any questions and applications to the WOHF Director of Strategy CW5 Russell J. Houser, DMA at or

In closing, I want to thank all our members who voluntarily serve in chapter leadership positions across the association.  Together, we can, and should, drive USAWOA forward for the betterment of all Active, Guard, Reserve and Retired Warrant Officers and our families.

Another facet of the WOHF was the launch of “Cohort W” podcasts in April 2021 by CW5 Russell Houser.  Now in its third season with more than 56 podcasts, Cohort W discusses Warrant Officer relevant issues through interviews with currently serving or recently retired Warrant Officers. This third season provides perspective from newly appointed Warrant Officer Ones. The 30-minute podcasts are full of insight and provide great insight from all Warrant Officer ranks and I highly encourage everyone to take a listen. They can be found at: 

On 11 July, I had the pleasure of attending the Chief Warrant Officer of the Army (CWA) Change of Responsibility, hosted by the 41st Chief of Staff of the Army (CSA).  At this ceremony, CW5 Yolondria Dixon-Carter relinquished the position of CWA to CW5 Aaron Anderson, the previous Combined Arms Center, Command Chief Warrant Officer.  Chief D-C, as we all refer to her, was a huge supporter of USAWOA during the past four years she served as the Senior Warrant Officer Advisor to the CSA. I thank her for all she’s done for the association and the Warrant Officer cohort. I’ve personally known CW5 Anderson for almost a decade and I look forward to USAWOA having a collaborative partnership with him as he assumes this new role. CW5 Anderson knows USAWOA stands ready to support him as he develops and pushes the Warrant Officer cohort forward to support the CSA’s priorities.

On 12 July, I also attended the official retirement ceremony for CW5 Dixon-Carter at Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall. Chief D-C had an amazing 36-year career and to hear her tell her story of resiliency, family, and faith was truly inspiring.  Although she is retired, she assured me that she would continue to advocate and support USAWOA as a warrant officer retiree. We wish her nothing but the best as she embarks upon retirement.

Finally, I want to remind everyone that registration for the 52nd Annual Meeting of the Members (AMM) opened on 1 June.  For the first time ever, we will convene in Augusta, Georgia, adjacent to Fort Eisenhower.  Coordination is underway for guest speakers from the Cyber and Signal Centers of Excellence and we’re looking forward to another outstanding event.  All registration information, to include hotel reservations and meeting agenda can be found at

CW5 Michael D. Dye
National President
“The Quiet Professionals ®”

462 Herndon Parkway, Suite 207
Herndon, VA 20170
+1 703 742 7727

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